University of Cambridge
About Us

The wider Cambridge community

The Cambridge ecosystem is a unique and dynamic environment, organically grown from the activities and passions of members of the University of Cambridge, industry, investors and others in support of entrepreneurship and innovation.

Our Cambridge connections

We nurture close connections and strong working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders in the wider Cambridge ecosystem in order to support start-ups and spin-outs. These include serial entrepreneurs, professional services companies, angel investors, venture capitalists, accelerators, and incubators.

Cambridge&  provides a wealth of information and resources on the wider ecosystem.

Find out more

Our services for external organisations

We act as a bridge between the expertise and disruptive research emerging from the University and our immediate business environment to help transfer innovative technologies and knowledge to businesses. This bedrock of entrepreneurial activity in turn creates a solid foundation for our wider outreach work throughout the UK and internationally. Our services for external organisations include licensing and investment opportunities, facilitating academic consultancy services and international outreach.

Learn more about the impact of Cambridge research

The  University has published an interactive map that highlights the global impact of Cambridge research.

View the map

Would you like to access data about the Cambridge Cluster?

Cambidge Ahead, which was set up to be a catalyst for the success of Cambridge and quality of life across the region, publishes data on the Cambridge Cluster that is kept up-to-date by the Centre for Business Research at the Cambridge Judge Business School.

View the data 

Banner photograph by: Chris Boland