University of Cambridge


The web pages of are run by Cambridge Enterprise and from time to time will set cookies on your computer, if you give consent.

About cookies

Cookies are small files which sit on your computer and record specific interactions between you and this website, and in some cases, other websites. These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of the website which helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website, and also allows us to improve our site. This information is sometimes shared with third parties.

First party cookies are set by Cambridge Enterprise. Third party cookies are set by other companies, such as analytics providers. Cookies may be ‘essential’, which enable the services we offer, or ‘non-essential’, which help us to understand how our services are being used (analytics). Session cookies expire (are deleted) when you close your browser session, whereas persistent cookies remain until they either expire or are actively deleted by you via your browser settings. Expiration dates are set in the cookies themselves and may vary in length, depending on the purposes of the cookie.

Below is more detail about the cookies we use, what they record and who the information is shared with.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies maintain the security of our website’s connection to you. They also make our site work. They always need to be on. You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions and is not recommended.

NameUsed byDescriptionMore information
_PHPSESSIDCambridge EnterpriseThis cookie ensures that you are recognised when you move from page to page within the site and that any information you have entered is remembered.Privacy policy for Cambridge Enterprise website
twk_cookies_bar_cookie_00001Cambridge EnterpriseThis cookie is used to remember your acceptance of our cookies policy when closing the cookie notification bar.Privacy policy for Cambridge Enterprise website
mtm_consent, mtm_consent_removed and mtm_cookie_consentCambridge EnterpriseThese cookies are used when we ask for consent to use cookiesPrivacy policy for Cambridge Enterprise website
matomo_ignoreCambridge EnterpriseThis cookie is used when you exclude yourself from being tracked (opt-out)Privacy policy for Cambridge Enterprise website
matomo_sessidCambridge EnterpriseThis cookie is used when you exclude yourself from being tracked (opt-out)Privacy policy for Cambridge Enterprise website

Site usage measurement / analytical cookies

Site usage measurement cookies allow us to analyse anonymised navigation patterns, to learn how people use our website and to make it better.

We like to use Google Analytics cookies to help us to improve our website. These cookies store anonymised information about how you use our website, such as how you got to the website, the pages you visit and how long you spend on each page.

To enable or disable Google Analytics cookies on this site please visit Cookie settings.

NameUsed byDescriptionMore information
MatomoWe use Matomo cookies to help us to improve our website. These cookies store anonymised information about how you use our website, such as how you got to the website, the pages you visit and how long you spend on each page.
vuidVimeoWe use Vimeo to play video content on our website. Some videos embedded in our pages use a cookie to anonymously gather statistics on how you got there and what videos you visited.Vimeo Privacy Policy

Links to other websites

Cambridge Enterprise’s process for handling recruitment and the recruitment pages accessed via are powered by Teamtailor. Teamtailor is a third-party service that is not owned or managed by Cambridge Enterprise.  Please refer to cookie policy for further information on the cookies used on our recruitment pages provided by Teamtailor, what they record and who the information is shared with, as we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies.

How to disable cookies

Your web browser will have an option you select which will limit or block cookies. Below are links to popular web browsers, and how to block cookies using them.