
The University of Cambridge is a place of ambition, innovation and imagination. Through Cambridge Enterprise, University research and expertise continues to deliver life-changing outcomes with world-changing impact.

We provide the diverse set of supports needed by researchers, innovators and talented teams tackling the challenges facing the world today.


Cambridge Enterprise is responsible for supporting the translation of University research to create globally leading economic and social impact.

Deeply embedded in the UK’s leading innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem, we have strong relationships with industry, investors and visionaries.

Our work

We facilitate knowledge transfer by helping innovators, experts, and entrepreneurs to use commercial avenues to develop their ideas and expertise for the benefit of society, the economy, themselves, and the University.

Liaising with organisations both locally and globally, we offer expert advice and support in commercialisation and social enterprise, including help with academic consultancy services; the protection, development, and licensing of ideas; new company and social enterprise creation and investment.

Get started

If you are a member of the University ready to talk to us about commercialisation, you can submit a form to tell us about your idea or invention.

Tell us your idea

For the University

We help University of Cambridge members create beneficial impact from their research ideas and expertise. Talk to us, grow your opportunity, develop your skills and make connections.

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For external organisations

Our relationships with external organisations are integral to our commercialisation activities. We play a key role in the innovation ecosystem.

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Talk to us

Are you a member of the University wishing to know more about creating impact from your research or expertise? Would you like to get things moving, but are not sure where to start?

Whether you have previous experience or are embarking on this journey for the first time, you can talk to us confidentially about your idea.

Start a conversation

Looking for licensing opportunities?

Independent review of university spin-out companies: adoption of best practices

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