University of Cambridge
Our role within the University

Commercialisation portfolio data management tool

The Cambridge Enterprise Academic Portal enables University of Cambridge researchers and staff who have worked with Cambridge Enterprise to see the progress, status and related data for their commercialisation projects. The Academic Portal also provides tailored reporting and project journey overviews for senior University management.

If you are a University researcher or member of staff who has a commercialisation project with us, the Academic Portal allows you to quickly and easily see how your project is developing as well as a top level view of any licences, consultancies and CDAs that you may have with us.

Senior University management and their delegates will have visibility of the commercialisation projects for their area of the University. The portal enables tailored reporting and provides a full overview of project journeys with Cambridge Enterprise.

Take me to the Cambridge Enterprise Academic Portal

What information can I gather from the portal?

How do I access the portal?

Additional functions for senior University management