Dr Catherine Eyre Dr Catherine Eyre Commercialisation Manager

Catherine is a Commercialisation Manager for the Ceres Agri-Tech team where she works to help academics develop and commercialise their Agri-Tech innovations for the agriculture and horticulture industries to help drive productivity, sustainability and net zero.

Before joining Cambridge Enterprise Catherine worked for ADAS as Associate Director in the Horticulture team. There she designed and managed applied research projects across a diverse range of subjects including peat-free growing media, tree propagation, biostimulants, pesticide reduction strategies, non-chemical weed control and crop protection. This included collaborations with growers and retailers funded through Innovate UK, Defra, AHDB and industry clients. Prior to that she worked as a molecular plant pathologist as part of the Global R&D breeding team for Driscoll’s Genetics Ltd. focussing on soft fruit breeding for Europe, Middle East and Africa based in Kent.

Catherine has a PhD in Molecular Ecology from Cardiff University where she studied fungal interactions. This was followed by postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley studying population genetics of forest pathogens.

Catherine joined the Ceres Agri-tech Team at Cambridge Enterprise in February 2024.