University of Cambridge
Caroline Hyde Head of Ecosystem Initiatives and Partnerships

As Head of Ecosystem Initiatives and Partnerships, Caroline leads on a number of strategic activities designed to support entrepreneurship and innovation.

Delivering the company’s convening agenda, the activity is about connecting two pivotal ecosystems – the University and the wider Cambridge ecosystem – in a proactive and strategic way that drives entrepreneurship and innovation. Cambridge Enterprise sits as a bridge between these ecosystems – intrinsically linked to both – and this activity helps to shape and support emerging entrepreneurs, spin-outs and start-ups and the companies who are forging the innovation landscape of Cambridge for the future.

Caroline works closely with the Innovate Cambridge initiative helping to create an inclusive, ambitious and broad-ranging innovation vision for the Greater Cambridge area; the University Enterprise Network which helps convene all of the University’s activities for entrepreneurship and innovation; the ideaSpace community and network bringing together Cambridge founders; and International Outreach which enables us to share our experience and expertise around the globe.

Caroline joins from her previous role as CEO for Allia Future Business Centres Ltd where she established an initial innovation and incubation centre for social ventures and ‘tech for good’ companies and built out a network of four centres operating across Cambridge, London and Peterborough. Caroline has spent over 20 years working with entrepreneurship and innovation in and around Cambridge and is well networked in the Cambridge ecosystem. She brings this, as well as previous experience working in a research, development and commercialisation department of a UK University, to ensure that international partners benefit from the richest experience of engagement.

Caroline is a Fellow of the RSA.

Caroline joined Cambridge Enterprise in March 2020.