University of Cambridge

The Isaac Newton Trust provides financial support for high-quality research and educational projects across all subjects in the University of Cambridge.  Since its foundation in 1988, the Trust has funded many hundreds of researchers, mainly at postdoctoral level.

The Trust has only modest resources and must be viewed as a funder of last resort.  The Trustees therefore expect all reasonable attempts to have been made by applicants to secure funding from other sources before an application is made to the Trust.

Before applying:

1)  Read our Guiding Principles

2)  See the summary outline of our research grant categories

3)  Then go to How to apply

Research Grants:  there is now ONE round per year in Michaelmas Term.

Strategic Grants:  there is one round per year in the Lent Term (preliminary).  Selected applications will then be asked to submit a full application in Easter Term (final), following the timetable set out below.

The Isaac Newton Trust provides financial support for high-quality research and educational projects across all subjects in the University of Cambridge.  Since its foundation in 1988, the Trust has funded many hundreds of researchers, mainly at postdoctoral level.

The Trust has only modest resources and must be viewed as a funder of last resort.  The Trustees therefore expect all reasonable attempts to have been made by applicants to secure funding from other sources before an application is made to the Trust.

Before applying:

  1. Read our Guiding Principles
  2. See the summary outline of our research grant categories
  3. Then go to How to apply

Research Grants:  there is now ONE round per year in Michaelmas Term.

Strategic Grants:  there is one round per year in the Lent Term (preliminary).  Selected applications will then be asked to submit a full application in Easter Term (final), following the timetable set out below.